Christian Channel

Way of the Cross ( WC )
Christian Channel featuring Christian articles, Illustrations, Audio Bible, Devotional Literature, etc.
Shalom aleichem - Peace unto you


Nagasaki - On August 9, 1945 an atomic bomb called "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. This bomb killed more than 80,000 people and caused immense havoc and pain. But there is something else about Nagasaki, the dreadful persecutions of christians in the late 1500's and early 1600's. Read more




Bible Illustrations - Visit this page
Herod's Temple in Jerusalem
The Holy Family's flight from Bethlehem into Egypt
The Messiah (Jesus Christ) King of the Jews and the King of kings
Dispensation of the Church
Important events and dates before and after the birth of Christ
The Jews under Gentile rule, before the time of Christ
Jesus crucified and the Paschal lamb killed - a comparison
Christ's incarnation
He appeared to many after His resurrection
Jesus Christ, Prophet, Priest and King
The "Blessed Hope" of the Church
The Church and the Kingdom
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Great Day of Atonement
Restoration of Israel
The former kingdom of Israel - United and divided
Jerusalem - The Old City
Destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70
Inside the Temple (Jewish Temple)
The Old City (Jerusalem) Gates and 4 quarters

