Second Coming of Christ
(1) Jesus Christ, the Coming king and His Kingdom
The prohets, apostles and angels spoke of the coming King and His Kingdom
Dan 7:13,14; Zech 12:10; Acts 1:11; 15:16; I Cor 15: 23 - 28; I Thess 4: 14 - 17; II Thess 1: 7; 2: 8;I Tim 6: 14; Titus 2: 13; I Pet 1: 13; II Pet 3: 4; Rev 1: 7
Jesus Himself spoke of His coming and his coming Kingdom
Luke 19: 12; 22: 18; Matt 16: 28; 24: 29,30; Mark 13: 26
His Kingdom is not of this world
John 18: 36
The King of the Kingdom
Jesus Christ is the King. Luke 1: 31 and He shall receive the throne of David. Luke 1: 32. Dan 7: 14.
He shall rule upon the earth. Matt 25: 31- 46; Rev 20: 6
World sovereinty of Jesus
He shall rule over the entire world....kingdoms, kings and nations.
Jer 23: 5; Dan 7: 14
The signs of His coming
*When you all see these things know that the Kingdom is near. Matt 24: 33; Luke 21:31.
*Destruction of the temple foretold.Matt 24: 2. The temple was destroyed in A.D 70.
*False christs, wars and rumours of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes.....beginning of sorrows. Matt 24: 4 - 8
*Persecutions.Matt 24: 9
*Betray one another. Matt 24: 10.
*False prophets and iniquity shall abound. Matt 24:11,12
*The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world.....and then shall the end come. Matt 24: 14.
*Perilous times shall come.II Tim 3: 1
*Men loving themselves.II Tim 3: 2
*Covetousness, boasters, pride, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without
natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those who are
good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of
godliness but denying the power thereof, silly women laden with sins. II Tim 3: 2 - 7
*Antichrist shall be revealed, whose coming is after the working of Satan.II Thess 2: 8, 9
He, ( the wicket, the man of sin, the son of perdition) shall be destroyed with the brightness of Christ's Coming ( His revelation.....appearance).II Thess 2: 7 - 9.
At His coming:
*His Kingdom shall be set up.Dan 2: 44
*He shall find many who are not prepared to meet Him.Matt 24: 36 - 51
*He shall sit on His throne of His glory and before Him shall be gathered all nations. Matt 25: 31- 46.
*He shall take vengeance on them that know not God and they that obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
II Thess 1: 7- 9
*Jesus, the King, worshipped and served.Dan 7: 14
*Many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord in Jerusalem. Zech 8: 22; Isaih 2: 3
*The blessings:
There shall be peace.Isiah 2: 4
The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord. Isaih 11: 9
The wolf shall dwell with the lamb. Isaih 11: 8
Times of the Gentiles

Jerusalem remains subject to nations ( powers, empires) until their time is up.The times of the gentiles commenced in
B.C 606 ( others say B.C 587) when Nebuchadnezzar captured the glorious city.In the centuries that followed Jerusalem
fell to a succession of foreign conquerors - Persians, Seleucides, Romans, Moslems, Arabs, Seljuks, Crusaders,...
As a result the association of the Jewish people with the city is repeatedly interrupted.
(2) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the nations of the world
Here we refer to the apokolupsis ( revelation, unveiling ) of the Lord Jesus to the nations
Every eye shall see Him
"Behold He cometh with the clouds: and EVERY EYE
shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and
all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
Even so, Amen." Rev 1: 7.
" And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord
Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." II Thess 1: 7.
(3) Second Coming of Christ and the Church
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ for the church is the calmination of His
redemptive work, when the church will be completed.
The promise of Christ:
" And if i go and prepare a place for you, I will COME AGAIN and RECEIVE YOU
unto Myself ; that WHERE I AM, THERE YE MAY BE ALSO." John 14: 3

(4) Second Coming of Christ and the Jews