Pirates and Piracy
Learn more about historical and modern day Pirates and Piracy

Piracy dates back 3000 years. Plutarch, the Greek historian, gave us the first account of piracy and in 140 BC the word “peirato” was being used by the Roman historian Polybius. In the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey,” there is a mention of piracy. In the middle ages in Europe, the Norse riders, called the Danes or Vikings carried out acts of piracy. In England, they were called sea thieves or sea robbers.
A pirate is often called a highwayman of the sea.
The Buccaneers was the most notorious and feared group of armed men. Led by the Legendary Henry Morgan and operating out of their base in Port Royal, Jamaica, this group of outcasts became the fiercest and most ruthless fighting force the Caribbean ever seen.
Pirate treasure is buried on some seacoasts and islands. Hoards of money, and other valuables are concealed in Pirates who harassed the Spanish Main buried some of their booty on Caribbean Islands as well as along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America.
Pirate Ships and Pirate Flags
The Brotherhood of the Coast. Few people are acquainted with the term 'The Brotherhood of the Coast'.
Much treasure has been spent in seeking the famous buried treasure of Cocos Island. That mysterious sea-swept land on the coast Chili has been dug over many times by gold hunters seeking the fabulous millions believed to have been cached there by pirates.
Millions of pirate treasure around Cuba and Porto Rico.