Glamis Castle, the mystery and the Ghosts
One of the most picturesque and beautiful of the old Scottish castles is Glamis Castle. It dates back to the dark ages, having been a royal residence in the time of King Malcolm II. He was murdered in 1034 at Glamis and brought to Royal Hunting Lodge (Site of Castle). Others say he was mortally wounded in battle.Glamis Castle has been the home of the Lyon family since the 14th century.
John Lyon, was the 1st Thane of Glamis. He was granted thaneage of Glamis by King Robert II in 1372. In 1376 Sir John Lyon married the King’s daughter, Princess Joanna. Construction of the castle started in the days of John Lyon, 1st Master of Glamis (1400). He built the East Wing of the Castle (Palace House). Construction of the Castle's main (great) tower started by John's son Patrick in 1435 and was completed in 1484. The North-East Wing with the Chapel and the West Wing were built in the late 1600's. The Billiard Room and service courtyards followed later.
Patrick Lyon was the 1st Lord Glamis followed by Alexander Lyon, 2nd Lord Glamis, then John Lyon, 3rd Lord Glamis, John Lyon, 4th Lord Glamis, George Lyon, 5th Lord Glamis, John Lyon, 6th Lord Glamis, John Lyon, 7th Lord Glamis, John Lyon, 8th Lord Glamis and Patrick Lyon, 9th Lord Glamis. Patrick was created Earl of Kinghorne in 1606. The titles were pretty well secured by the eccentric ancestor, Patrick, the 9th Baron of Fortviot.
His grandson another Patrick Lyon, 3rd Earl of Kinghorne after John Lyon, 2nd Earl of Kinghorn, acquired the title of Strathmore and arranged the succession to please himself, that in default of a direct heir the titles should go to any person nominated by himself that in all future ages the heirs should be styled, "Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Viscounts Lyon, Barons Glamis, Tannadyce, Sydlaw and Strathdichtill. The earldom changed to Strathmore and Kinghorne (1677), and has remained in the Lyon (later Bowes-Lyon) family eversince.
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was the youngest daughter and the ninth of ten children of Claude Bowes-Lyon, Lord Glamis (later the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne in the Peerage of Scotland), and his wife, Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck. Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was later known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. She married King George VI. Glamis Castle was the Queen Mother's childhood home. And this was where Princess Margaret, her second daughter after Elizabeth II was borne.
Another interesting story is that of Lady Glamis (Janet Douglas) who was married to John Lyon, 6th Lord Glamis (1492–1528) and later to Archibald Campbell of Skipness was falsely accused of witchcraft and was burnt on the stake on Castle Hill in Edindurgh on July 17, 1537. Now it's said that the family chapel in Glamis is haunted by a "Grey Lady", who is believed to be the ghost of Lady Janet Douglas.
Glamis Castle stands a little way off the road from Dundee to Kerriemuir, in Forfarshire, Scotland, and is the center of an estate of many thousands of acres which embraces some of the most picturesque scenery of Scotland. It is one of the examples of extant of medieval architecture. The main gateway is a tripple-arched structure, batlemented and surmounted by carved lions, the heraldic emblems of the family of Strathmore. From the gate a spacious avenue, closely bordered with trees, leads for a short distance to a grassy plain, through which it passes on a straight line of a mile to the main entrance of the castle.
The general appearance of the structure from this approach reminds one of a French chateau of the sixteenth century. A quarter circle tower rises seven stories high and two wings extend at right angles. The interior of the building contains a great assembly hall, a beautiful chapel and a vaulted crypt, to which a special staircase descends.
In the thick walls narrow irragular windows look across the valley to the Grampian hills. The walls are so thick that hidden stairways and passages are frequent in them, and a secret room exists whose location, it is said, was known only to the reigning Earl, the eldest son and his business manager. The main entrance is singularly small and low, and the door is of heavy Oak, studded with iron rails. Directly inside the door is an iron gate, opening on the great staircase, which is in a sircular tower and ascends spirally. The gardens at Glamis were laid out by Lord Strathmore (1901). Lady Strathmore always kept the drawing room full of flowers. Her daughters, Lady Anne Lyon and Lady Maud Lyon, were also artistic in their tastes.
The visitor, from the moment he enters the great door at the base of the tower, is convinced that it is a mysterious old castle with secret staircases, and wonders whether, like Sir Walter Scott, he would like to sleep in the haunted rooms. In another bedroom is shown underneath the floor the entrance to a staircase, with hidden passages connecting with other apartments. A secret wall in one of the great walls leads to an upper room where prisoners were once confined.
There are many handsome rooms in the castle. The dining room is a splendid banquet room. The great wall is a vaulted room with massive stone walls. It is the central tower, with its spiral staircases and dark vaulted corridors, that gives character to the castle as a medieval stronghold.

The mystery and Ghosts of Glamis Castle
Glamis Castle, the seat of England's darkest mystery.

Glamis Castle, it is said, contains a hidden chamber. It is known that a secret is connected with one of the rooms and so most of the people believe it is this chamber. Legend has it that the room contains a human monster. But a saner legend says that the secret room holds the bones of a band of prisoners who, in Scotlands days of strife, were incarnated there and starved to death. There really seems to be no doubt that in some room of Glamis castle, there is something that the Strathmores are unwilling to have seen.
A Scotch peasant workman who was called in by the Earl and set to repairing the castle roof had not been at work long, came down shaking with fright, evidently as a result of some terrible sight which had met his eyes and as soon as he recovered to some extend, demanded to see Lord Strathmore.
On another occasion a young doctor who was staying in the castle professionally found on returning to his bedroom that the carpet had been taken up and relaid. He noticed that the mark of the carpet was different at one end of the room than the other. Moving the furniture at once and taking up the carpet, he discovered a trap door which opened in a narrow passage and to a cemented wall, the cement of which was still so fresh when he touched his finger to it an impression was made. Returning to his room he began to speculate as to how he would best investigate the secret further, when a servant called with a check for his services and announ- ced that a carriage was waiting for him.
Glamis is the favourite haunt of any number of restless spirits. Mysterious doors open and shut; veiled damsels wail; armoured knights stalk through the Castle halls, etc.
The family chapel in Glamis is haunted by a "Grey Lady", who is believed to be the ghost of Lady Janet Douglas. One year, in the late 30's, the whole house at Glamis was in great excitement, as the Grey Lady (others say "White Lady"), a most harmless apparition, had been seen by Lady Strathmore, her nieces and Lady Glasgow, from different windows at the same moment.
Alexander, Earl Crawford (Alexander Lindsay, 4th Earl of Crawford) better known as Earl Beardie with some more princely gamesters are ghostly occupants. In their revels it seems the riotous Earl swore he would play cards to the day of judgment or with the devil himself. It is said that a stranger (the devil) who joined Lord Beardie in a game of cards, took his soul and condemned the Earl to play cards until the day of judgment.