The Bell Witch

The Bell Witch is a ghost story from American Southern Folklore. The legend of the Bell Witch, also called the Bell Witch Haunting, revolves around strange events allegedly experienced by the Bell family of Adams, Tennessee, in 1817–1935 when the witch was said to return. John Bell Jr. also wrote a book on the hauntings that took place around him.
The Bell Witch is based on true events that will send a cold chill down your spine and make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. When you try to sleep tonight, just remember that I warned you about the Bell Witch. Just like in the movie "The Ring", once you look into the darkness, it looks back at you. Your life will never be the same once you know about the Bell Witch and your thirst to know more is never quenched. Are you ready for a "True Ghost Story"?
According to the Legend, John Bell was the only person recognized by any state to have been killed by a spirit. The Legend dates back to the time of General Andrew Jackson, in the early 1800s. The story has a special interest for me, because I live in Tennessee. Nice to know the Bell Witch is not too far away!
How would you like to visit the Bell Witch location in Tennessee? Bring your camera, because you never know what you will see. You can even visit the hidden Bell Witch cave, which lies on the property of the ill-fated Bell family. Imagine being home alone at night and the lights have been dimmed. Your relaxing and all of a sudden you hear a rapping noise.
Next, you hear knocks and scratching sounds, and no one is there. Have you ever heard unusual noises while you where sleeping? Maybe some breathing in the corner of your room and no one was there? You look into the darkness and see what you think is a human figure, or is it? It gets very cold and you feel this dark forceful presence upon you. You know your not alone; You begin to think your mind is playing tricks on you. Is it all in your head?
You see a shadow out of the corner of your eye, and you know not to be so curious. It realizes you are afraid and it can smell your fear. You want to run, but there is no where to run. You want to scream, but it is too late. The Bell family knew what terror was and even Mr. Bell tried to keep it a secret. It was to be exposed by the Bell Witch! She had to make her voice heard and physically attacked a family to make her point!
According to the Bell Witch Legend, The spirit of Kate Batts terrorized the Bell family. Sticking the daughter with pins and pulling her hair. There were physical manifestations and bed sheets flying off the beds. Again, whats makes this chilling, is that it is not some fictional story or one of Stephen King's best sellers, it is a "True Ghost Story".
The Bell Witch legend is a part of history and if you are as curious as I am, you will seek more answers to this "True Ghost Story". Perhaps a visit to Adams, Tennessee, why not see if you can touch the presence of the Bell Witch's eerie past, and if fate allows maybe more.