Aeroplanes - Early history of Flying. Page 3
The biplane carries a loading of from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 lbs. per sq. ft. of surface; the monoplane from 3 1/2 to 6 lbs. per sq.ft. The load per horse-power in each case is from 30 to 40 lbs. In speed the biplane ranges from 35 to 45 miles per hour, as against 40 to 60 miles per hour attained by the monoplanes.

In neither type, however, has anything like finality in design been attained, so that any attempt to define their respective capabilities would be premature. Nor is it possible to say whether the aeroplane will ultimately prevail in its present form. The invention of gas turbines of other improved forms of motive power, the discovery of another and more efficient means of propulsion than the screw propeller, may profoundly modify the design or even the principle of flying-machines.
In spite of a series of fatal accidents, the principle of the aeroplane may be said to have proved essentially sound. Such accidents as have occured have, in fact, been due not to fundamental defects, but to small imperfections in design, and to constructional faults. The majority of fatal accidents have been caused by partial structural weakness, usually in the tail members, which may be subjected to excessive strain during a sudden manoeuvre of the machine. Faults in framework structure also account for several disasters.
But save for these minor faults, inseparable from the early days of any new departure in engineering, and easily remediable, the aeroplane is radically safe. It suffers, of course, from the comparative disadvantage that its sustaining force is a direct outcome of its forward motion, and must necessarily fail when the latter disappears. In other words, the aeroplane must advance in order to keep up. But a breakdown of the motor does not therefore imply disaster; on the contrary, a well-balanced aeroplane, when the motive-power fails, acts as a glider, with a gliding-angle not greater than 1 in 8.
Consequently, although, on the motor stopping, the machine assumes a descending trajectory, the actual rate of fall is slow, so that the pilot, who preserves control over his machine, has time to choose a suitable landing place. It is obvious, therefore, that when flying over difficult or densely-populated country it is preferable to fly at a considerable altitude. From a height of 5,000ft., for instance, the aeroplane can land anywhere within a radius of 8 miles.
In making flights it is necessary to take into account the action of the wind. A side-wind will cause an aeroplane to make leeway in proportion to the speed at which it is blowing; similarly, a following wind will increase the speed of flight. For the purpose of long-distance flights it may be possible to take advantage of the wind, or even of several air currents, by suitable manouevring, and thus extend both the radius of action and the velocity of flight.
The art of navigation in the air is in its infancy, and offers severe difficulties as yet. In misty or cloudy weather the pilot has recourse to the compass. This instrument is, however, extremely unreliable when fitted on an aeroplane, owing to the disturbing effect of the magneto.
The altitude is measured by an aneroid barometer, usually self-recording. Special maps for aeronautical use are in existance, indicating contours, land-marks, light-houses, dangerous areas for landing, etc. From the very first days the value of the aeroplane, from a military point of view, has been realizes, not as a weapon of offence so much as of intelligence. It would, in fact, be difficult to imagine a better means for scouting and reconnoitring than is afforded by the flying machine.
Its gradually increasing radius of action renders it available for strategical no less than for tactical reconnaissance; its easy mode of progress and absence of vibration allow the most accurate observations to be made and sketchmaps to be drawn. For despatch-carrying over difficult country its usefulness is also considerable. On the question of it is employment for purposes of offence, it is impossible to pronounce definitely. On the other hand it is practically immune from artillery or rifle fire from the land, especially when flying at a fair altitude.
Military aeroplane schools are established, and many officers trained as pilots, in several countries, notably in France; and there is no reason to doubt that the aeroplane can be employed in naval warfare, especially if it be designed to land on, and possibly to rise from, the surface of the water. Its use in conjunction with the less mobile dirigible also merits attention. As a commercial vehicle, and for transport, the aeroplane, owing to its relatively low carrying power, is restric- ted in its usefulness.
With increasing reliability, however, it may well assume a portion of the functions of the motor car. Such will certainly be the case with the flying-machine regarded as a pleasure craft and for sporting purposes. From the fact that natural obstacles in the shape of mountains, rivers, forests, swollen torrents, impassable roads, do not exist in the case of the aeroplane, its use as a means of communication in rough broken country is assured, and it is designed to play an important part in exploration.
The industry created by the aeroplane has grown at a very rapid rate. In 1907 there were in existence at most three or four practicable machines; within three years the number had grown to many hundreds. A large number of factories are exclusively engaged in the construction of these machines and of light aerial engines.
The most important problems of which a solution is sought are the duplication of propelling mechanism, so that the continuance of flight is not interrupted by the failure of the motor, and the attainment of automatic stability, independent of the control of the pilot. Two solutions of the latter problem are possible: 1) the discovery of some form of surface that shall be inherently stable; and 2) by regulating the controlling surfaces by some automatic means as the gyroscope.