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A Testimony of Jesus Christ -
Volume 1
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation
Revelation 1-14
The intent of the book of Revelation is provided by the very first word of the first verse: Revelation
[Apokalypsis]22 which Strong defines as “1 a laying bare, making naked. 2 a disclosure of truth,
instruction. 2A concerning things before unknown. 2B used of events by which things or states or
persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all. 3 manifestation, appearance.”23 The
emphasis shared by all these varied meanings is making known or revealing things which previously
were not known and is rendered by our English word revelation which has a similar meaning: “1.a.
The act of revealing or disclosing. b. Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of
something not previously known or realized.”24 That it is God’s intent to reveal information is made
plain later in the same verse where it is said that God gave the Revelation to Jesus “to show His
servants.” Clearly, the book of Revelation is not meant to obscure, but to reveal! Yet many would
admit to finding the last book of the Bible difficult to understand, even puzzling—almost as if written
to frustrate the very goal stated in the first verse. 25
It is our belief that this tension between God‘s desire to reveal and the fact that many are unable to
understand the book of Revelation stems from a principle which Jesus spoke about. Like many of
Jesus’ teachings, it is a disturbing teaching which is very important to grasp.......
A Testimony of Jesus Christ -
Volume 2
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation
Related Topics
Reference Information
Revelation 15-22
Revelation 12, 13, and 14 formed an interlude during which the scenes depicting the series of
judgments being poured out by God upon the earth are interrupted to illustrate other important events
associated with the Tribulation. Now at Revelation 15, the scene shifts back to the judgments—
specifically the preparations for the final set of seven judgments to be poured out upon the earth
dwellers[5.2.18] and the kingdom of the Beast[5.2.9]. This chapter describes the scene in heaven which
initiates the final seven bowls of God’s wrath, to be poured forth in the next chapter (Rev. 16). The
event which led to the scene before us now was the sounding of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15). The
sounding of the seventh trumpet was met with the announcement that the Lord’s kingdom would be
underway as a result of the judgments under that trumpet. The bowl judgments introduced here are the
final plagues from God which bring about the establishment of His kingdom on earth. See Literary
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